Back to our roots: the (Dutch) Antilles and the discovery of our shared past
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In this episode of "Cooking Back to Our Roots," Vivian Acquah (host) talks with guest speakers Edson Hato and Sacha Martina about the impact of the Dutch slavery past on the African diaspora in the Netherlands, with an emphasis on the (former) Netherlands Antilles.
The speakers also discuss the history of the Netherlands Antilles, the Netherlands' role in the slavery trade, and its lasting impact on the islands and their people. They stress the importance of acknowledging this history and continuing to advocate for justice and equity.
All in all, this episode is an inspiring and important conversation about identity, ancestry, and the power of community. The speakers encourage being proud of your roots, sharing your stories, and working together for a better future.
“Frying” Plantains the Healthier Way
In this episode, I dive into the magic of using an air fryer for "frying" food, with a special focus on a personal favorite - plantains. The air fryer has revolutionized my kitchen, offering a healthier way to achieve the delicious crispy texture of fried foods without the excessive oil. If you're keen to learn how to air fry plantains, watch the video below to guide you through the process.
Alternatively, if you're more inclined towards oven-baked plantains, you can watch an episode from Cooking Back to Our Roots season 1, where I demonstrate how to bake plantains in the oven. Either way, you're bound to enjoy the results and have fun trying out these cooking methods!
My stance on Social Injustice related to the current war (s)
In the face of ongoing conflicts in Palestine, Israel, Congo, Sudan, Ukraine, and Russia, I stand unwaveringly for peace. Every human life, irrespective of nationality or religion, is precious and deserves to live with dignity and safety. I do not condone any form of war or acts that dehumanize people.
The heartbreaking impact these conflicts have on innocent lives is a stark reminder of the urgent need for peace. I firmly believe in the power of dialogue, understanding, and empathy as the path to peaceful coexistence. My hope and advocacy are for peaceful resolutions that respect the rights and humanity of all individuals involved.
Peter Stuyvesant and his role during the transatlantic slave trade
During this episode, Edson Hato talks about the impact of Peter Stuyvesant, who served as the director of the Dutch West India Company's colony in Curaçao from 1642 to 1644. Stuyvesant's influence extended beyond this period as he later became the Director-General of the New Netherland colony on the American East Coast. Under his leadership, the settlement of New Amsterdam, now known as New York, saw significant expansion. Click here to learn more about the history of Curacao
In deze aflevering van "Cooking Back to Our Roots" gaat Vivian Acquah (host) in gesprek met de gastsprekers Edson Hato en Sacha Martina over de impact van het Nederlandse slavernijverleden op de Afrikaanse diaspora in Nederland, met de nadruk op de (voormalige) Nederlandse Antillen.
De sprekers bespreken ook de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Antillen, de rol van Nederland in de slavernijhandel en de blijvende impact hiervan op de eilanden en hun bevolking. Ze benadrukken het belang van het erkennen van deze geschiedenis en het blijven strijden voor rechtvaardigheid en gelijkwaardigheid.
Al met al is deze aflevering een inspirerend en belangrijk gesprek over identiteit, afkomst, en de kracht van gemeenschap. De sprekers moedigen aan om trots te zijn op je roots, om verhalen te delen en om samen te werken voor een betere toekomst
Mijn standpunt over sociaal onrecht in verband met de huidige oorlog(en)
In het kader van de voortdurende oorlogen in Palestina, Israël, Congo, Soedan, Oekraïne en Rusland ben ik een voorstander van vrede. Elk menselijk leven, ongeacht nationaliteit of religie, is kostbaar en verdient een waardig en veilig leven.
Ik tolereer geen enkele vorm van oorlog of daden die mensen ontmenselijken. De hartverscheurende impact die deze conflicten hebben op onschuldige levens herinnert ons eraan dat er dringend behoefte is aan vrede. Ik geloof sterk in de kracht van dialoog, begrip en empathie als de weg naar vreedzame coëxistentie.
Ik hoop op vreedzame oplossingen die de rechten en de menselijkheid van alle betrokkenen respecteren.